puede ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de falta .dll archivos en Windows.
10000 archivos DLL están disponibles como una descarga gratuita para corregir errores ".dll not found".
Usted probablemente ya ha encontrado un error "xxx.dll el archivo que falta" o "file.dll no encontrado" al lanzar una aplicación o un juego en Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 o el nuevo Windows 10).
Este tipo de error puede afectar a la funcionalidad de la aplicación de Windows y ser muy doloroso. ofrece una manera fácil de corregir estos problemas, libre de DLL descarga se echa en falta.
N32CALL.dll - Norton AntiVirus Engine Callbacks (1766 descargas)
N32EXCLU.dll - Norton AntiVirus Exclusions (1657 descargas)
N32VLIST.dll - Norton AntiVirus Virus List (1639 descargas)
NAME.dll - Name ActiveX Control (1754 descargas)
NAPCRYPT.dll - NAP Cryptographic API helper (1498 descargas)
NAPHLPR.dll - NAP client config API helper (1433 descargas)
NAPMONTR.dll - NAP Netsh Helper (1431 descargas)
NAVAP32.dll - AutoProtect DLL (1754 descargas)
NAVAPI32.dll - Norton AntiVirus Engine API (1684 descargas)
NAVAPSCR.dll - Norton AntiVirus AutoProtect (1581 descargas)
NAVAPW32.dll - Norton AntiVirus Agent (1688 descargas)
NAVCOMUI.dll - Norton AntiVirus Common UI (1680 descargas)
NAVDEF32.dll - Norton AntiVirus SDK Technology (1621 descargas)
NAVDEFS.dll - Norton AntiVirusNAVVirusDefs Module (1671 descargas)
NAVEMAIL.dll - Norton AntiVirus NAV Email (1592 descargas)
NAVENG32.dll - AV Engine (1632 descargas)
NAVERROR.dll - NAVError Module (1690 descargas)
NAVEVENT.dll - Norton AntiVirus Events (1654 descargas)
NAVEX32A.dll - AV Engine (1683 descargas)
NAVLCOM.dll - Norton AntiVirus NavLicense (1656 descargas)
NAVLNCH.dll - Norton AntiVirus Scriptable App Launcher (1683 descargas)
NAVLUCBK.dll - Norton AntiVirus LiveUpdate Callback (1613 descargas)
NAVNTUTL.dll - Norton AntiVirus NAVNTUTL (1597 descargas)
NAVOPTRF.dll - Norton AntiVirusNAV Options Refresh (1586 descargas)
NAVOPTS.dll - Norton AntiVirus NAVOptions Module (1605 descargas)
NAVPROD.dll - Norton AntiVirus NAVProd (1657 descargas)
NAVSCAN.dll - Norton AntiVirus Scan Engine. (1718 descargas)
NAVSDR32.dll - Norton AntiVirus SDK Technology (1649 descargas)
NAVSHEXT.dll - Norton AntiVirusNAVShellExt Module (1597 descargas)
NAVSTATS.dll - Norton AntiVirus Status (1583 descargas)
NAVTASKS.dll - Norton AntiVirus Tasks Module (1657 descargas)
NAVTSKWZ.dll - Norton AntiVirus Task Wizard (1550 descargas)
NAVUI.dll - Norton AntiVirus Integrator Plugin (1703 descargas)
NAVUIRES.dll - Norton AntiVirus NAVUI Resources (1640 descargas)
NAudio.dll - NAudio (1885 descargas)
NCTAudioEditor2.dll - NCTAudioEditor2 ActiveX DLL (1413 descargas)
NETBREXT.dll - Norton AntiVirus Network Browser (1662 descargas)
NETUPGRD.dll - Průvodce inovacà sÃtÄ (1761 descargas)
NFCProvisioningPlugin.dll - NFC Provisioning Plugin (1438 descargas)
NGSCM.dll - Next Gen Suite Common Modules (1578 descargas)
NGSCM64.dll - Next Gen Suite Common Modules (1504 descargas)
NISEMAIL.dll - NIS Email (1679 descargas)
NL7Data0011.dll - Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Data and Code (1360 descargas)
NL7Data001E.dll - Microsoft Thai Natural Language Data and Code (1362 descargas)
NL7Data0404.dll - Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data and Code (1384 descargas)
NL7Data0804.dll - Microsoft Chinese Simplified Natural Language Data and Code (1380 descargas)
NL7Lexicons0011.dll - Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Data (1357 descargas)
NL7Lexicons001E.dll - Microsoft Thai Natural Language Data (1362 descargas)
NL7Lexicons0404.dll - Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data (1357 descargas)
NL7Lexicons0804.dll - Microsoft Chinese Simplified Natural Language Data (1437 descargas)
NL7Models0011.dll - Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Data (1359 descargas)
NL7Models001E.dll - Microsoft Thai Natural Language Data (1358 descargas)
NL7Models0404.dll - Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data (1346 descargas)
NL7Models0804.dll - Microsoft Chinese Simplified Natural Language Data (1384 descargas)
NLEAVFileResourceMgr.dll - NLEAVFil å¨æé¾æ¥åº (1356 descargas)
NLEImageProc.dll - ImagePro å¨æé¾æ¥åº (1360 descargas)
NLEMontageMgr.dll - NLEMontageMgr å¨æé¾æ¥åº (1438 descargas)
NLEResource.dll - NLEResou å¨æé¾æ¥åº (1411 descargas)
NLESceneSeqment.dll - NLEScene å¨æé¾æ¥åº (1380 descargas)
D3DX9_43.dll (1238536)
xinput1_3.dll (908674)
msvcr100.dll (779524)
msvcp100.dll (735058)
vcruntime140.dll (716140)
msvcp140.dll (589363)
msvcr110.dll (567468)
msvcp120.dll (381349)
msvcr120.dll (376666)
msvcp110.dll (285510)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (246733)
amtlib.dll (235806)
d3dx9_39.dll (220868)
binkw32.dll (196171)
steam_api.dll (178112)
d3dx9_30.dll (176392)
KERNEL32.dll (173935)
unarc.dll (170664)
lame_enc.dll (152143)
mss32.dll (149197)