puede ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de falta .dll archivos en Windows.
10000 archivos DLL están disponibles como una descarga gratuita para corregir errores ".dll not found".
Usted probablemente ya ha encontrado un error "xxx.dll el archivo que falta" o "file.dll no encontrado" al lanzar una aplicación o un juego en Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 o el nuevo Windows 10).
Este tipo de error puede afectar a la funcionalidad de la aplicación de Windows y ser muy doloroso. ofrece una manera fácil de corregir estos problemas, libre de DLL descarga se echa en falta.
libcdisplay_proof.dll - (1329 descargas)
libdlmaxmgr.dll - Nova's Component Manager interface (1329 descargas)
libmemcpy_plugin.dll - (1329 descargas)
ltdlgn03.dll - Lotus Dialog Shared Module (1329 descargas)
mcinsctl.dll - McAfee Installer Control (1329 descargas)
mediabuild40.dll - InstallShield (R) MediaBuild30 DLL (1329 descargas)
mexdxver.dll - (1329 descargas)
mnysetup.dll - Money Setup and Configuration (1329 descargas)
modla.dll - (1329 descargas)
msppalrt.dll - Alert Library (1329 descargas)
multimediatimer_if.dll - (1329 descargas)
mynsp.dll - (1329 descargas)
ntfrsprf.dll - NTFRSPRF (1329 descargas)
ntiosupp.dll - (1329 descargas)
num2fix.dll - (1329 descargas)
nvcod.dll - NVIDIA Driver CoInstaller (1329 descargas)
nvrshe.dll - NVIDIA Hebrew language resource library (1329 descargas)
nxwavpack.1.dll - WavPack plugin for Nero (1329 descargas)
ode2mp.dll - (1329 descargas)
oembios.dll - (1329 descargas)
picuxx.dll - (1329 descargas)
pixietool-chs.dll - Pixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool (1329 descargas)
pkmforms.dll - Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server (1329 descargas)
plhuman.dll - (1329 descargas)
pmjpeg32.dll - White Pine M-JPEG Codec 1.13 (1329 descargas)
pmxspen_.dll - PowerVR Support Centre UK English Resources (1329 descargas)
pngu3263.dll - GUI Library (1329 descargas)
pnwp3260.dll - RealProducer Publishing Wizards DLL (1329 descargas)
ppshape110.dll - Shape Tool Library (1329 descargas)
prepssupport.dll - Preps Support (1329 descargas)
process.dll - (1329 descargas)
proextras.dll - Visio Professional Extras DLL (1329 descargas)
psychoecho.dll - (1329 descargas)
rasgprxy.dll - Remote Access Server Netbios Gateway Proxy (1329 descargas)
rdpsnd.dll - Pilote multimédia du service Terminal Server (1329 descargas)
remotepg.dll - Extension du Panneau de configuration Sessions distantes (1329 descargas)
replib.dll - AS Replication Service Library (1329 descargas)
reversedcomps.dll - (1329 descargas)
rsmps.dll - RSM Proxy Stub (1329 descargas)
rtcdll.dll - RTC User Agent DLL (1329 descargas)
scanman3.dll - Resource DLL (1329 descargas)
sfix_bitop.dll - (1329 descargas)
sfun_psbdqc.dll - (1329 descargas)
sipr.dll - ACELP-NET Voice Codec for RealAudio(tm) (1329 descargas)
sndext_ret.dll - (1329 descargas)
spamchallenge_v1.2.dll - Trillian SPAM Challenge (1329 descargas)
srcwav.dll - (1329 descargas)
stresslg.dll - (1329 descargas)
swritfil.dll - (1329 descargas)
tipp210.dll - Desktop anzeigen (1329 descargas)
tipp268.dll - Kurzes Datumsformat mit vierstelliger Jahreszahl (1329 descargas)
tipp387.dll - Start-Up Programme fuer den Windows 2000 Kommandoprozessor (1329 descargas)
tpasdk.dll - RealNetworks Playback System (1329 descargas)
turels.dll - (1329 descargas)
ufcbuf.dll - UFCBUF DLL (1329 descargas)
upecrvg.dll - (1329 descargas)
uvac3enc.dll - Ulead AC3 encoder (1329 descargas)
vcvresen.dll - VCViewer (1329 descargas)
wc001056.dll - (1329 descargas)
wkcalps.dll - Microsoft® Works Calendar Proxy (1329 descargas)
D3DX9_43.dll (1229347)
xinput1_3.dll (900528)
msvcr100.dll (769017)
msvcp100.dll (722263)
vcruntime140.dll (713403)
msvcp140.dll (586863)
msvcr110.dll (563353)
msvcp120.dll (379850)
msvcr120.dll (375263)
msvcp110.dll (283740)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (245139)
amtlib.dll (234930)
d3dx9_39.dll (220552)
binkw32.dll (194626)
d3dx9_30.dll (174774)
steam_api.dll (174211)
KERNEL32.dll (170662)
unarc.dll (154910)
lame_enc.dll (151648)
mss32.dll (148095)