puede ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de falta .dll archivos en Windows.
10000 archivos DLL están disponibles como una descarga gratuita para corregir errores ".dll not found".
Usted probablemente ya ha encontrado un error "xxx.dll el archivo que falta" o "file.dll no encontrado" al lanzar una aplicación o un juego en Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 o el nuevo Windows 10).
Este tipo de error puede afectar a la funcionalidad de la aplicación de Windows y ser muy doloroso. ofrece una manera fácil de corregir estos problemas, libre de DLL descarga se echa en falta.
wmsbrowseres.dll - Windows Media Services Browse Globalization Satellite (1267 descargas)
wt9_1ldca.dll - Corel Writing Tools Language-Dependent (CA) (1267 descargas)
bdaucommon.dll - ç¾åº¦è¾å
±äº«åº (1267 descargas)
mfc140cht.dll - MFC Language Specific Resources (1267 descargas)
mfmpeg2srcsnk.dll - Media Foundation MPEG2 Source and Sink DLL (1267 descargas)
mfvdsp.dll - Windows Media Foundation Video DSP Components (1267 descargas)
certCredProvider.dll - Cert Credential Provider (1267 descargas)
defragsvc.dll - MicrosoftOptimiseur de lecteur (1267 descargas)
enterprisecsps.dll - API for MDM Enrollment DLL (1267 descargas)
enterpriseresourcemanager.dll - enterpriseresourcemanager DLL (1267 descargas)
iscsidsc.dll - iSCSI Discovery api (1267 descargas)
ism32k.dll - (1267 descargas)
kd_02_8086.dll - Intel Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module (1267 descargas)
ncryptprov.dll - Microsoft KSP (1267 descargas)
onexui.dll - IEEE 802.1X supplicant UI library (1267 descargas)
windowslivelogin.dll - Microsoft® Account Login Helper (1267 descargas)
wisp.dll - Microsoft Pen and Touch Input Component (1267 descargas)
Wwanpref.dll - Wireless WAN Profile Settings Editor (1267 descargas)
WwanRadioManager.dll - Wwan Radio Manager (1267 descargas)
adapt.dll - MSN Money Adaptation DLL (1267 descargas)
zfCustomization.dll - (1267 descargas)
rasipxcp.dll - Remote Access PPP Internetwork Packet Exchange Protocol (IPXCP) (1266 descargas)
res645mi.dll - (1266 descargas)
rhgbtn32.dll - RoboHELP GraphButton (1266 descargas)
spra0410.dll - Messaggi del Service Pack 1 (1266 descargas)
sprb040e.dll - Service Pack 2 üzenetek (1266 descargas)
spxupchk.dll - Spxupchk CoInstaller (1266 descargas)
stspace.dll - (1266 descargas)
surroundpan.dll - VST Plug-In (1266 descargas)
threepttoolcore110.dll - CorelDRAW ThreePt Tool Core Library (1266 descargas)
tipp445.dll - Adjust IntelliMouse Scroll Function (1266 descargas)
w83781d.dll - (1266 descargas)
wmipjobj.dll - WMI Windows Job Object Provider (1266 descargas)
vgdiplus.dll - GDI+ Client DLL (1266 descargas)
mfc140fra.dll - MFC Language Specific Resources (1266 descargas)
mfc100deu.dll - MFC Language Specific Resources (1266 descargas)
mfc140enu.dll - MFC Language Specific Resources (1266 descargas)
correngine.dll - Correlation Engine (1266 descargas)
EditBufferTestHook.dll - "EditBufferTestHook.DYNLINK" (1266 descargas)
ETWESEProviderResources.dll - Microsoft ESE ETW (1266 descargas)
fhevents.dll - File History Event Listener Library (1266 descargas)
iesysprep.dll - IE Sysprep Provider (1266 descargas)
kbdphags.dll - Phags-pa Keyboard Layout (1266 descargas)
keepaliveprovider.dll - Keep alive provider API (1266 descargas)
netprovfw.dll - Provisioning Service Framework DLL (1266 descargas)
setupcln.dll - Setup Files Cleanup (1266 descargas)
TransliterationRanker.dll - "TransliterationRanker.DYNLINK" (1266 descargas)
Windows.Devices.Lights.dll - Windows Runtime Lights DLL (1266 descargas)
Windows.StateRepositoryBroker.dll - Windows StateRepository API Broker (1266 descargas)
xactengine2_5.dll - XACT Engine API (1266 descargas)
ChxEM.dll - Microsoft IME (1266 descargas)
CNBLR.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1266 descargas)
cximage.dll - cximage (1266 descargas)
EP0NB03A.dll - Epson Printer Driver (1266 descargas)
eSf3fw.dll - TOSHIBA Pipeline SDK (1266 descargas)
mailrt2.dll - Windows Live Mail (1266 descargas)
xccdx40.dll - Codecs Libary (1266 descargas)
matlabdatasource.dll - (1265 descargas)
philcam1.dll - Universal Serial Bus Camera VFW Extension (1265 descargas)
pnc3250.dll - Low-Level API for RealAudio(tm) Encoder (1265 descargas)
D3DX9_43.dll (1231885)
xinput1_3.dll (903749)
msvcr100.dll (772046)
msvcp100.dll (726050)
vcruntime140.dll (714700)
msvcp140.dll (587649)
msvcr110.dll (564516)
msvcp120.dll (380271)
msvcr120.dll (375670)
msvcp110.dll (284443)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (245488)
amtlib.dll (235344)
d3dx9_39.dll (220660)
binkw32.dll (195072)
d3dx9_30.dll (175309)
steam_api.dll (175266)
KERNEL32.dll (171433)
unarc.dll (159083)
lame_enc.dll (151757)
mss32.dll (148382)