puede ayudarle a resolver sus problemas de falta .dll archivos en Windows.
10000 archivos DLL están disponibles como una descarga gratuita para corregir errores ".dll not found".
Usted probablemente ya ha encontrado un error "xxx.dll el archivo que falta" o "file.dll no encontrado" al lanzar una aplicación o un juego en Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 o el nuevo Windows 10).
Este tipo de error puede afectar a la funcionalidad de la aplicación de Windows y ser muy doloroso. ofrece una manera fácil de corregir estos problemas, libre de DLL descarga se echa en falta.
nac.dll - Microsoft Internet Audio NAC DLL (1558 descargas)
ltcapn20.dll - Lotus Caption Manager Shared Module (1558 descargas)
adssmp.dll - (1558 descargas)
spchpak.dll - Money Speech Pack DLL (1558 descargas)
customerreginfo.dll - CustomerRegInfo (1558 descargas)
dpplg.dll - Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Deployment Plugins Package (1558 descargas)
fveapi.dll - Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption API (1558 descargas)
acausb.dll - (1558 descargas)
VideoMessenger.dll - VideoMessenger (1558 descargas)
awdcxc32.dll - DCX Codec (1558 descargas)
dial.dll - Dial DLL (1558 descargas)
kttf.dll - ImageMagick Studio library and utility programs (1558 descargas)
paradox.dll - (1558 descargas)
qt-mt331.dll - Qt (1558 descargas)
splashm.dll - Creative WebCam Monitor Skin (1558 descargas)
add_candb_dsn_jni.dll - (1558 descargas)
WudfPlatform.dll - Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Platform Library (1558 descargas)
atl9x.dll - ATL Module for Windows (ANSI) (1558 descargas)
digitalio.dll - (1558 descargas)
axtoolxx.dll - Crystal Analysis (1558 descargas)
SQLTRACE.dll - SQL tracing tool - extended stored procedure DLL (1558 descargas)
gamma_tab.dll - (1558 descargas)
mstsmhst.dll - Terminal Services Connections multihost (1558 descargas)
RSCFMT.dll - Symantec Diskette Formatter (1558 descargas)
cdcopy.dll - Nero Library (1558 descargas)
csderived.dll - (1558 descargas)
a16pasfm.dll - (1558 descargas)
BWCHelpr.dll - BWCHelper Module (1558 descargas)
effects.dll - Effects PlugIn for IrfanView (1558 descargas)
psm.dll - (1558 descargas)
engine7.dll - Resource DLL (1558 descargas)
adminweb.dll - Server Appliance Admin Plugin (1558 descargas)
VEEventDispatcher.dll - Visual Element Event dispatcher (1558 descargas)
jgpd500.dll - JG Player Decoder DLL (1558 descargas)
asengur.dll - User Rules (1558 descargas)
kbdda.dll - Danish Keyboard Layout (1558 descargas)
crlfrmwk110.dll - Common UI Framework Library (1558 descargas)
ipb645mi.dll - (1558 descargas)
bfc42.dll - MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version (1558 descargas)
bwsui.dll - BrowseUI_D (1558 descargas)
crlfxartstrokes110.dll - Art Stroke Bitmap Effects (1558 descargas)
Windows.Data.Pdf.dll - PDF WinRT APIs (1558 descargas)
Cloak.dll - Cloak (1558 descargas)
mmutilse.dll - Microsoft Multimedia Controls Utilities (1558 descargas)
CPDOEM.dll - OEM Information for DELL (1558 descargas)
P2PBase.dll - P2Sä¼ è¾æ¨¡å (1558 descargas)
atimmcfg.dll - Copy(Get) information about multimedia into(from) the registry (1558 descargas)
wc001019.dll - (1558 descargas)
cnmui61.dll - BJ Printer Driver Interface Driver (1558 descargas)
diskfau.dll - DiskFAU Module (1558 descargas)
ccpxyevt.dll - Common Client Proxy Event Factory (1558 descargas)
softkbd.dll - Soft Keyboard Server and Tip (1557 descargas)
dbdsql32.dll - Database Desktop SQL Editor (1557 descargas)
astminit.dll - Windows Accelerator Display Driver Init DLL (1557 descargas)
accountcom.dll - accountcom Module (1557 descargas)
dasetupr.dll - Microsoft Data Access - Setup Resource Library (1557 descargas)
libapr.dll - Apache Portable Runtime Library (1557 descargas)
bong.dll - GLoW (1557 descargas)
tlloc.dll - Local Transport Layer for the Debugger (1557 descargas)
assinfo.dll - Whizzo (1557 descargas)
D3DX9_43.dll (1238536)
xinput1_3.dll (908678)
msvcr100.dll (779525)
msvcp100.dll (735059)
vcruntime140.dll (716140)
msvcp140.dll (589363)
msvcr110.dll (567468)
msvcp120.dll (381349)
msvcr120.dll (376666)
msvcp110.dll (285510)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (246740)
amtlib.dll (235806)
d3dx9_39.dll (220868)
binkw32.dll (196171)
steam_api.dll (178112)
d3dx9_30.dll (176392)
KERNEL32.dll (173935)
unarc.dll (170664)
lame_enc.dll (152143)
mss32.dll (149197)